Driffield News

Who is the mystery man spreading kindness at fish and chip restaurant?

A thankful trio of lunch-goers have expressed their enormous gratitude to a fellow diner after he paid for their meal in a random act of kindness.

Yvonne Stone, Jean Yates and Pam Savage were dining at Stuarts of Driffield when they were informed by the staff that their meals had been paid for by a gentleman diner.

The ladies, who enjoy a fish and chip lunch every Thursday at the Middle Street South restaurant, said they were overwhelmed when they discovered the act of kindness and hope the man will be reading the Wolds Weekly to know how much they appreciate his actions.

Yvonne told the Wolds Weekly: “The three of us had met up for our lunch at Stuarts last Thursday, as we do every week.

“When we sat down, I saw a gentleman sat opposite us and he looked over at us and we exchanged smiles, but he did not speak to us.

“Later, the lady in the restaurant came over to us and said she needed to speak to us.

“At first, I thought maybe we had sat in the wrong seats or something, but then she explained that the gentleman had paid for our dinners as a random act of kindness.

“We were absolutely amazed and gobsmacked.

“We have never met him before and in this day and age, for someone just to offer to pay your meal is something you don’t expect.

“We did not have the chance to thank him and I just want to let him know how much we appreciate his act.”

Jean added: “I don’t think I have ever had a meal paid for me by a gentleman before, except maybe my husband on the odd occasion!

“But it was very kind of him and we want to say thank you.”

The ladies said they have been told that the gentleman visits Stuarts around once a month and pays for another diner’s meal and has paid for customers’ shopping in Lidl.

They have bought a thank you card which they have left at Stuarts for him.

Tanya Gowlett, manager of Stuarts restaurant, said: “The gentleman often comes in and he is always very discreet and just comes up to us at the till and picks a table and says he would like to pay for their meal.

“He is a really lovely man and on one occasion we paid for his meal as a way of repaying him for his kindness.

“He has usually gone before the customers discover he had paid for their meal as he never wants a big fuss.

“He just does it to spread a bit of kindness.”

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