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Karla Kemp to tackle 10k to raise money for charity which helped her stepson

Karla Kemp is raising money for Bringing Back A Smile after it helped her stepson through his battle with cancer.

Karla will be running the Kilham 10k in October for the charity that supported her stepson Ronnie through his diagnosis with stage four neuroblastoma.

Ronnie was just three-years-old when diagnosed with neuroblastoma in August 2018.

I wanted to push myself and thought that if Ronnie could get through what he did, then I could certainly achieve my goals.

KARLA kemp

Since then he has undergone chemotherapy, surgery to remove his tumour, radiotherapy and immunotherapy.

Ronnie is now seven-years-old and is three years in remission this October.

Speaking about their experience as a family, Karla said: “It was the hardest and most heartbreaking time for us all.

“We had a lot of support from the local community and Ward 31 at Leeds General Infirmary were amazing – as were the Candlelighters. We are forever in their debt.

“The charity I’m running for is Bringing Back A Smile.

“It helped Ronnie to keep smiling throughout his treatment, often keeping in touch and visiting us.”

Bringing Back A Smile is a non-profit charity helping adults and children with life-threatening illnesses by giving them quality time with family and friends on holidays and breaks away.

Karla decided she wanted to give back to the charity close to her heart by choosing to run a 10k in order to fundraise.

Karla said: “I picked a run because I find running very difficult.

“I wanted to push myself and thought that if Ronnie could get through what he did, then I could certainly achieve my goals.

“My goal for next year is to do the Great North Run and raise even more money for other charities that helped us.”

So far, Karla has met her target of raising £1,000 for the charity but she has expressed her ‘absolute dream’ would be to double the funds.

If you would like to donate and support Karla, visit justgiving.com/fundraising/karla-kemp.

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