Crime & Policing

Travellers leave behind awful mess as they vacate the Yorkshire Wolds

‘Mess on Harpham Lane in Kilham comes around every year’

This is the shocking scene left behind by a group of travellers who set up camp on Harpham Lane in Kilham last month.

The nomads took residence on the green lane last month and left a mess behind them.

The chairman of Kilham Parish Council, told the Wolds Weekly that incidents such as these do nothing to help relations and stereotyping of travellers.

“This has happened before on Harpham Lane and unfortunately it seems to come around each year,” he explained.

“Around a fortnight ago I was made aware that Mark Grimes at the East Riding of Yorkshire Council had served them with a notice to leave and they finally did last week.

“Although they went within the terms of their notice, they left an awful mess behind them, which has been a problem before.

“What annoys me most, as well as a lot of other villagers, is the section of green lane they inhabit is very popular with walkers, dog walkers and horse riders but whilst the travellers are in residence, it is effectively a no-go area.

“This then inconveniences local people who will end up paying for the mess to be removed through our council tax.

“If I wanted to set up camp on the main street in Driffield, I would be swiftly moved up, but the same doesn’t seem to apply for travellers.

“A lot of travellers appear to be tarred with the same brush, sometimes unfairly, however the group on Harpham Lane appear to have total disregard for everyone else which is totally unacceptable.”

SLIDESHOW: The desacrated green lane at Kilham

Anyone with information can contact The ERYC’s streetscene enforcement team on 01482 393939 or online at

East Riding of Yorkshire Council confirmed it is looking into the incident. A spokesperson said: “We are investigating this incident of fly-tipping and would ask anyone with information to contact our streetscene enforcement team on 01482 393939 or via our website at”

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