Driffield NewsNEWS

Painting of The Queen and Paddington Bear is staying in East Yorkshire

The original painting of the heart-warming depiction of The Late Queen with Paddington Bear following the Platinum Jubilee celebrations has found a permanent home in Driffield and the Wolds after Hutton Cranswick’s Fiona Bone took ownership of the original artwork.

Fiona is a friend of East Yorkshire artist Eleanor Tomlinson, whose water colour of The Queen and Paddington holding hands and walking away, titled Jubilee Ma’amalade Tea, went viral following the celebrations this June.

When Eleanor first posted her Jubilee-inspired artwork on social media in June, Fiona was the first person to comment on the image and immediately asked if she could have the original.

Despite the painting receiving world-wide critical acclaim, Eleanor honoured her promise and Fiona took ownership of the painting, which she hopes to use to help raise money for charity.

I feel as if I have won the lottery and after all her success with the painting, it would have been very easy for Eleanor to turn around and say she wasn’t selling it any more.

fiona bone

A delighted Fiona told the Wolds Weekly that it is a privilege to have become the proud owner of the image.

“My daughter went to school with Eleanor and in the past, I have bought three originals from her and a print of a sunflower that she did as a charity fundraiser for Ukraine,” said Fiona.

“I just happened to be on Facebook when Eleanor first posted her Jubilee painting of The Queen and Paddington Bear.

“She said at the time that she had made 70 original prints which she had signed.

“I instantly commented and said how much I loved the picture and could I please have the original.

“She didn’t reply straight away and so I messaged her again asking if I could buy the original.

“Of course, at this point, I had no idea that the image would go viral, I just loved it instantly.

“On my third time of asking, I asked again if I could please have the original or if not if I could have one of the 70 limited edition prints.

“Eleanor got back to me to say yes of course and we agreed an amount of money, although at this point I didn’t actually know if she had said yes to my request for the original or for a print.

“I didn’t hear anything else and it was after then that the painting went viral and Eleanor was receiving thousands of requests from all over the world from people wanting to buy the sketch.

“After this I had a comment made on my original comment to Eleanor’s post which said sorry this went within the first five minutes.

“I messaged Eleanor and she said she had somebody looking after her social media because of the extent of the requests she was receiving, but she reassured me that the original was mine.

“I felt so privileged and over the moon because the image means so much to so many people.”

Fiona took delivery of the painting last week from Eleanor and it is now being housed in an art gallery.

She said she is hoping to use the painting to help raise money for charity, with her first idea being an art show when the original artwork will be exhibited.

She added: “I would really like to raise money for charity and my first idea is to have an art show, which I hope Eleanor would be able to attend, and to invite other local artists.

“I will then take stock and hopefully come up with other ideas of how I can raise some money for charity.

“I feel as if I have won the lottery and after all her success with the painting, it would have been very easy for Eleanor to turn around and say she wasn’t selling it any more.

“But she is such a kind, caring and talented person and honest to her word. She first started out when she was 14 selling cards she had produced and I have cards that I bought from her at Christmas fairs when she was still at school.

“Eleanor has said she is pleased the original is staying in East Yorkshire and is going to a home that loves the picture.

“She has written a personal message on the back which says, among other things, that she couldn’t ask for this picture to be going to a more perfect home.

“I am so delighted and honoured to be the person to give this lovely painting a permanent home.”

Separately, on 15th October, Fiona launched a silent auction for a print of the now world-famous Jubilee Ma’Malade Tea drawing which was donated and signed personally by Eleanor to raise money for Hutton Cranswick SRA.

She launched the auction at the Yorkshire Wolds Community Choir 11th anniversary concert which was held at Foreman’s Garage in Hutton Cranswick.

The auction ended on 22nd October and the winning bid was announced at 7:35pm as being that of £950 to an anonymous bidder.

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